Strength in European equities is helping the frontier equity markets in Eastern Europe. Relatively smaller markets such as Romania’s BETI index had strong performance over the past few years and the uptrend is likely to resume. In the beginning of 2014, BETI cleared 6,150 levels. Now the index is trying to breakout from a medium-term consolidation range by pushing above 7,340 levels.
BRD GROUPE SOCIETE GENERALE (ROBRD.BX) ( is a financial sector company that trades on the Bucharest Stock Exchange. According to Reuters the company is the 4th largest in the BETI index with $1.66 billion market cap. Stock is now breaking out of a 2 year-long base formation with a strong weekly price bar. Chart pattern price target is around 12.5 levels. Flat-range breakouts are usually powerful and are followed by strong trend periods.
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